Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tara Jones announces resignation as Director of the Chester YWCA

Tara writes...
I am writing to inform you that I will no longer be the Executive Director of the YWCA Chester effective October 31, 2010. I have carried the baton, and it is now time to pass it. I am proud to have been able to serve the YWCA and the people of Chester in this capacity. I am a true believer in the City of Chester and the organization that we have all come to know and love, but then forgot!


  1. Wow! she said a lot in that last statement!!!

  2. Please tell us that wasn't a resignation letter from a former Executive Director of a 501C3?? Laaawwd have mercy.

    Here's hoping the subsequent Executive Director has the common sense to order a financial audit of the agency before taking the helm...smh
