Thursday, October 14, 2010

SURVEY RESULTS: Which high school sport must Chester have?

Football got the most votes but certainly doesn't attract
a lot of fans as shown here at a recent home game.
It's hard to create school spirit when hardly any students
come to the games and only a hand full of residents
support high school football.

Here are the results of last week’s survey that 62 of you participated in.  Please share your thoughts.
Football 31 votes
Traditionally, football is the sport that school spirit is measured by.
Track and Field 29
With a new track, two coaches with a great legacy, a history of state champions, and living in the shadows of the best track meet in the country (Penn Relays), we should be representing every year.
Baseball 28
Surprising number of votes. With hardly any youth feeder programs, our baseball team will continue to struggle.
Soccer 26
Just the opposite of baseball. Chester is well established with youth feeder programs. I expect that we’ll dominate in soccer in years to come.
Chess 25
I just threw this one in for kicks. Chess isn’t a high school sport. But starting an intramural program would be nice.
Tennis 21
Has the school district resolved the coaching situation where the coach wasn’t allowed to go to games until the school day ended leaving the girls team with no adult supervision until he could get there? Do the players still have to walk to Chester Park to practice?  Can we build a couple tennis courts in Eyre Park next to the high school?
Softball 20
Would the girls play?
Volleyball 18
Would the girls play?
Hi-Q 18
Does Chester High still participate in Hi-Q? Besides baseball and basketball, I got my 3rd high school letter from Hi-Q.
Swimming 17
Where will we find a pool?
Lacrosse 12
Football icon Jim Brown was a lacrosse All-American at Syracuse. Paul Robeson was an All-American in lacrosse at Rutgers. It’s the type of sport that would flourish in urban areas because it combines the skills used in football and basketball that our kids are so good with.


  1. This was a much lighter survey to respond to than your previous surveys. My 65 participants seem more at ease answering this question. Here are the results:

    Track (boys/girls): 32
    Track is king! Hope to go back to the Penn Relays.

    Football: 27
    Still strong! Maybe we need some PR from the Unions to help fill the stands.

    Volleyball: 18
    All tied up! Seems like adults and students feel the same way about volleyball. Yes, girls would play volleyball.

    Swimming: 17
    Swimming was previously available at the Y.

    Tennis (boys/girls): 16
    Since you seem familiar with the tennis situation, you should address your concerns with the tennis coach.

    Soccer (boys/girls): 13
    Should be a growing interest with the new stadium

    Baseball: 11
    Holding its own

    Lacrosse: 11
    Currently not played

    Wrestling: 7
    No teams currently

    HI-Q: 7
    Scott Paper Company in Chester was the first to start the HI-Q competition in 1948. Chester continues to participate. Chester does have some honorees listed from 2005-2009. Please check the website for further information. By the way, congrats on your letter but I did not find any special indication for your class. Nice pix of the HI-Q team though. Does the letter mean you won the competition or just participated?

    Softball: 6
    No teams currently

    Chess: 4
    This was an activity 2 years ago. With very little interest, someone would have to take an interest in teaching the activity. Instead of just throwing it in for kicks, you should volunteer your time.

    Basketball was definitely missed on the survey whatever your reasons were for not including this sport. Just because basketball is a top sport does not mean it should not have been listed. Basketball still deserves equal time. Not everyone plays or likes basketball. The outcome might have been surprising.

  2. I dont think anybody would be intrested in Lacrosse, but all the rest of the sports are fine.

  3. The reason I think Chester High should have a swim team because there's going to come a time in my life when I need to swim to save a life or even my life. I know how to swim I would just want to learn how to breathe when I swimming so I can swim longer.

  4. I also agree that track and field should be second most important next to football. We need to represent ourselves in a way that is also entertaining for the audience. The Penn Relays would be a very good way to do that.

  5. Basketball because its most kids favorite sport. And its fun easy and u won't really get hurt because its a non-contact sport.

  6. Schools need more co-ed sports, So all children can play and enjoy.

  7. I think Chester school needs more baseball players because kids in school enjoy playing baseball and watching others in kids in school play too.

  8. We should have valleyball because it's a good sport to workout and have fun at the same time. I play volleyball but we need more people and more supplies for us to all have a uniform and we need more volleyballs. We have a girls volleyball team. We won our first game.

  9. blass79 football used to be the spirit of the high school back then thats where we would go every saturday morning hang out at the field see your friends. In thes days and times computers and electronics havew these kids attention need more social gatherings,as a mater of bring back Thanksginving Day Homecoming football

  10. Marcus I agree. We need to pump it up more for football like they do for basketball. Class of 78 had it going on. I remember going to games on Saturdays.
