Saturday, October 9, 2010

Runaway Slaves. Are Blacks more conservative than they think?

The rising phenomenon of Black Conservatism is the subject of a new documentary titled, “Runaway Slave.” With release set for early 2011, a trailer for the movie has already received more than 200,000 views on YouTube.

The film, produced by a Georgia-based documentary film studio, follows Rev. C.L. Bryant, a former NAACP Chapter President and self-professed Democratic radical turned pastor, political activist, Tea Party supporter and Black Conservative. Rev. Bryant is seen tracing the footsteps of runaway slaves through the Underground Railroad. From the slave ports of New Orleans to Chicago’s Cabrini Green to Martin Luther King’s birthplace in Atlanta, the film explores how 95 percent support of the Democratic Party has negatively impacted the Black community.
“This film was made to reveal the truth behind a 50-year-old lie that has caused an entire people to become slaves to one political idea and party,” said Rev. Bryant. “It looks to dispel the notion that government knows best, and is intended to create a mindset that can free all people and instill a sense of individualism regardless of their color.”

As a first-hand witness of the civil rights movement, grandson of a former slave and member of an interracial family, Rev. Bryant offers his unique insight into an issue that is more universal than merely black or white. The film’s primary impetus is to encourage the black community to free itself and run from what Rev. Bryant labels the “slavery of tyranny.” In interviews with politicians and everyday Americans, combined with footage from national events, the film seeks to answer the question: Is the black community truly ‘free at last?’
The film also takes viewers to the “One Nation Working Together" rally in Washington, DC. It is there that C. L. Bryant challenges a number of the rally’s keynote speakers and guest dignitaries such as Charlie Rangel, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The thought-provoking mixture of scenes is filled with labor union members and representatives riling at a White House they elected to do more for jobless Americans. Rev. Bryant engages many of the key figures in an effort to find answers to questions raised in the movie. The embattled Rangel appears amused when asked, “Are we free at last?” Jackson looks puzzled as he contemplates the question, “How do you account for the fact that 95 percent of black voters are Democrats?” NAACP president Ben Jealous can only comment, “I don’t know,” when asked what divides the parties; and Al Sharpton avoids Rev. Bryant altogether after repeated requests for “a minute of his time.”

Matt Kibbe, President and CEO of FreedomWorks, one of the film’s sponsors, commented that “Runaway Slave is a powerful explanation of how the values of individual liberty, fiscal responsibility and limited government benefit all people, not any one segment of society.
“The film is for anyone interested in learning why government is almost always the problem, not the solution," said Kibbe.

Click HERE for more

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