Monday, October 11, 2010

Re-Engaging Delaware County's High School Dropouts

Re-engaging young people who have dropped out of high school is a vital quality-of-life and economic issue for Delaware County and we need your help to address it. This two-day Summit for Community Action will explore one vital question: What can we as a County do to reconnect our young people who have dropped out to opportunities for building useful lives in work, family and citizenship? Our goal is to develop action plans and begin implementation of activities and supports that will help us build stronger pathways for disengaged young people.
  • The Summit is open to all stakeholders in Delaware County interested in finding ways to re-engage young people who have dropped out of high school. We are particularly interested in engaging young people who have dropped out of high school and their families, as well as educators, policy makers, and community and faith-based organizations. 
  • Participation is limited to 80 people, so please register early. 
  • Please Note: When registering please verify which work groups would best suit you in the notes section.
Click HERE to register

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