Thursday, October 28, 2010

District Attorney G. Michael Green on Bullying

“It’s a nuanced problem that effects every grade level,” Delaware County District Attorney G. Michael Green said. “It really runs the gamut. It’s not just little kids in the school yard, with one littler than the other and the bigger child threatening the smaller child.”

Though instances of what psychologists dub “traditional” bullying seem to remain constant, Green said his office has seen an explosion of cyber bullying. Defined by the National Crime Prevention Council as use of the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person, the incident is growing particularly among young women and girls, Green said.

“Because the Internet is impersonal, the normal restraints one person would have (when) meeting directly face-to-face with another are eliminated,” said Green. “Suddenly things are said online that one would never do to another person in a one-on-one personal conversation. The result of that is incredible injury to the victim.”

Among young women and girls, it’s often not one-against-one, but rather several youth targeting one victim.

Among young men and boys, the bullying usually revolves around perceived issues of a youth’s sexual orientation, said Green.

While much cyber bullying is committed by juveniles, and would therefore be handled Delaware County Juvenile Court System, Green said officials look for a psychological evaluation of the offender to help predict behavior and prevent future victims.

“What we look for as part of the solution of that case is a psychological evaluation of our juvenile offender, to make sure we know what is going on,” Green said. “It’s obviously an early indication of more serious crimes going to take place, maybe against the same victim. We want to stop that in its tracks.”

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  1. Cyberbullying is a growing trend around not only this country, but the world. We need to focus on educating our youth (and adults) about tolerance, respect and the good ol' fashioned 'golden rule'. Teens and parents can greatly benefit from educating themselves about the various issues surrounding cyberbullying including the possible legal consequences as well as sanctions imposed by middle and high schools. For more on this, check out the following book Teen Cyberbullying Investigated that uses real stories and cases about teens who were penalized for their online behavior.

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  3. Cyberbullying is a growing trend around not only this country, but the world. San mateo dui
