Thursday, October 28, 2010

African and Caribbean Students Targets of Bullying in Philly School

A growing population of African and Caribbean immigrant students in Southwest Philadelphia is often the target of racial teasing and violence in city public schools, a community activist told city officials Tuesday.
Click HERE for more

1 comment:

  1. Stefan I know I have issues with you but I am so proud of you today for bringing us these series of bullying blogs. Bullying has been going on for many years. As a child of Jamaican heritage who attended the Chester Upland School District, I was bullied. I had no choice but to attend school and be tortured by a group of kids. They like to pick on people who they view as different or quiet. I had to tough it out. What is the saying "whatever don't kill you, makes you strong." And I have grown stronger for it. Somebody asked me the other day have I always been so confrontational. I had to think about it. I can be defensive and confrontational because that is part of the personally that grew out of being bullied. I don't take any crap from anyone. If I see anything wrong or you do anything wrong, I am going to call you on it. I am going to set it straight. I am going to make it right. But some people cannot handle being bullied and so we have suicidal rates of children going up because of bullying. I despise bullies. They have no place in our society. I am an advocate against bullying because of my history being bullied. I definitely think we should be having more interventions with students, like tolerance classes.

    I know now I am much better off than some of those folks that bullied me. I am more than they could ever be. I am confident in who I am and who I have become. I know that some of them have gotten no where in life. I think that if people who are being bullied know what a bright future they can have, if they can see beyond the pain, we won't have these suicides because of bullying. People need to start speaking up and out. This is serious.

    Thanks for bringing this issue to us.
