Thursday, September 30, 2010

Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys

I read the first book so long ago that I though everyone read it by now. From asking around, it seems no one has heard of it. 
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys has grown into a four volume set. Here’s what author Jawanza Kunjufu has to say about volumes I and II...
Since I first released Volume I in 1982, the Conspiracy has become worse. We have a greater number of African American males being placed in Special Education classes, dropping out of school, selling drugs, making babies, involved in criminal activities and being incarcerated. Over the years, the response of the African American community has been significant with more rites of passage and role model programs. In addition, there have been more books written and conferences provided on this subject...

...Volume II is an answer for the numerous mothers, female teachers, and male community activists who have expressed the need for more information. In every instance, I have asked the parents and teachers to expand their questions and comments. I believe much that we need to know about Black boys lies within fathers, mothers, teachers, and the larger community. For this reason there will be few if any book references. I agreed with my editor, Eugene Winslow, that the solutions for Black boys may not be in books and studies, but in the minds of the numerous people who work with and love our boys on a daily basis. This book is based on all of those conversations we've had together...
The books are available online for under $10.

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