Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chester beer distributor halts Four Loko and Blunts

I know it’s old news, but it’s amazing how many visits this blog gets when folks around the world search on 'Four Loko'. So, to selfishly boost visits, here’s another Four Loko story.
From the September 19, 2010 article, we learned that the New Chester Deli (actually a misnamed beer distributor) has taken Four Loko and Blunts out of the store. Here are some quotes...
Chong also halted his sale of Four Loko, a legal energy-alcohol drink, but one that has drawn the ire of some local politicians who claim it’s dangerous. Now, a large white sign with black lettering greets customers as they enter the deli, informing them Four Loko is no longer available there.
...the deli pulled Four Loko from its shelves and called the distributor to pick up the cans still in stock...
In getting rid of Four Loko and cigars, which can be used to roll marijuana blunts, Broadway said the deli has rid itself of several problems. The items were hot with the younger crowd, he said, and the deli doesn’t encounter the headaches that came with it.

1 comment:

  1. Thats great, maybe all of the other stores will do the same.
