Saturday, August 21, 2010

Preventing a Nightmare Home Buying Experience

Pat Worrell, Rick Oelkers, Jim Kernan
I purchased my first home almost four years ago. I won’t say the experience was a Nightmare, but it could easily qualify as a bad dream. The issues I experienced were directly related to my underestimating the process of buying a home. 
Today I attended a Home Buyer and Seller Workshop sponsored by Coldwell Banker Preferred’s Media office and conducted by Pat Worrell. Since I already own, I was initially reluctant to attend but for the purposes of letting you know what went on I showed up as a reporter. It wasn’t long before I was digging into the information and asking questions like the others who were considering making their first purchase.
Four years ago, banks and finance companies were giving away mortgages to anyone with a pulse. I did have good credit and a few dollars squirreled away but if I knew then what I learned today I could have really made out a lot better.
With refinance rates being as attractive as they are, I’m now in a position to consider getting rid of that bad mortgage and replacing it with something more reasonable. Today’s workshop put me on the path to understand what I really need to do to make that happen.
Unlike most home buying fairs which are just events set up for various vendors to hand out their flyers, the Coldwell Banker seminar was extremely rich in information that a buyer must have based on the most up to date information on the market. The questions from the attendees were thoroughly answered by the panel who took all the time they needed to make sure we understood what we needed to know. 
The three people on the panel were Worrell as a realtor agent, Rick Oelkers, a credit consultant from Credit Mindset, and Jim Kernan, Mortgage Advisor for PHH Preferred Mortgage. 

Worrell stressed the importances of hiring a competent agent to represent you before you begin the process of buying a house. Buying a home is as much a personal decision as it is a business decision so you should connect with a agent who understands the business side of home buying and make sure they are protecting you and meeting your objectives in the process. In layman’s terms, hiring an agent when you buy a house is no different than hiring an agent if you are a professional athlete. You look around until you are satisfied that the person representing you can deliver. We also learned that if you see a house you like and the first thing you do is call the number on the lawn sign, you already made your first mistake. That’s the job of your agent. 
Rick Oelkers explained how consultive credit repair works. His company is familiar with the credit scores you need to obtain certain mortgages and loans. If, for example, you simply need to hit a certain mark to get a FHA loan, he will only work on your credit to get you to that point as fast as possible. He explained how so many credit repair companies charge you hundreds of dollars to simply send letters to companies disputing your credit. These practices don’t necessarily improve your score although you believe you are getting the help you need. Rick shared that in many cases just a 5 or 10 point improvement on a credit score can save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest payments.
Jim Kernan said that even though he works for a mortgage company, he always gets two other quotes when he’s ready to buy. Rick jumped in and explained that if you get many mortgage quotes within a set period of time you are only charged once on your credit report.
Jim explained how that even in these times of so-called tougher qualifications for mortgages, anyone can still obtain a mortgage and with rates being at historic lows and housing pricing being very attractive, this is the time to qualify. 
Traditional, FHA, 203K, or VA loans all have different qualifications and he shared the basic information for them all. And don’t worry, Jim says that the vast majority of people are not making a 20% deposit and still getting attractive rates. 
Nearly 75% of the seminar dealt with the above issues before Worrell touched on topics including inspections, appraisals, contracts, closing, etc. 
Stay tuned for future dates when this seminar will be offered again. If you are serious about buying or selling a home or refinancing, I highly recommend that you attend this free session. 
This comprehensive information is not found anywhere and it can turn a renter into a buyer, a doubter into a believer and a nightmare experience into a dream home.


  1. Glad you brought this story to us. Maybe it will get the nationwide attention it deserves to showcase your panel. Can you share their expertise in this area (background and credentials that make them experts)? Interested readers would like to know who we are taking advice from because we certainly don’t want to be misled in the housing market again. This is a very serious matter. People don’t want to get in a position of losing their homes again.

  2. Stefan, thank you for attending our seminar yesterday. I'm so happy to hear that you were able to pull some information that you feel would not only be useful for your readers but also for yourself. In today's marketplace there are too many misconceptions and fallacies floating around which is why I was quick to jump on the opportunity to bring this information directly to the public.

    I've been part of a number of home buying seminars over the past couple of years and Pat's may have been the most well structured and informative. I'm looking forward the our next opportunity to help spread the message that anyone who wants to own a home CAN own a home. It may not be right at this moment but with a little help and guidance that dream can be realized.

    Thank You,

    Jim Kernan
    PHH Preferred Mortgage

  3. Is this only locally sponsored? This is information I would like to share with friends in the Southern and New England states. Hopefully, there are Coldwell Bankers in those areas.

  4. You are very right Anonymous; people need to know exactly who they are dealing with, professionally and personally. When looking to do any type of real estate transaction, buying or selling, the very first thing you should do is hire an Agent. Just as you would hire an attorney, doctor or accountant. All of these professions require being licensed and continually educated in their fields; in any state. So does a Real Estate Agent as required by RELRA, the Real Estate License and Registration Act. Real Estate agents are also governed by a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice by NAR, the National Association of Realtors. The very first thing I do as an Agent, BEFORE I work with a client, is to have a consultation which includes my educational background and expertise, and I am happy to share this information; not all agents will. My advise to anyone is to shop around and interview Agents. If you visit the "Delco Real Estate" page in this blog, you will find all the information you need. I can make sure my information gets posted.

    Anonymous, to answer your question about this Workshop only being local, the very short answer would be NO. I plan to take this Workshop anywhere and everywhere it is needed and wanted. In my years of experience and talking with so many people about the real estate process, it really bothered me to see so many people, so uninformed, so I put this Workshop together. This Workshop is not offered or sponsored by any other Agent or company. All Real Estate Agents are individual business owners and affiliated with a real estate company. Most Coldwell Banker offices are franchised and because I am only affiliated with Coldwell Banker Preferred, Media, PA, this Workshop is only offered by me through Coldwell Banker Preferred, Media, PA. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. If you have information on where this type of Workshop would be helpful, please contact me and we can plan an event.

  5. Thanks for your comments, although still vague to me. I will forward your information to the necessary people.

  6. I went to the Homeowner's Workshop on Saturday, and I must say that it was very informative. I liked the way everything was presented. Ms. Worrell and associates were very professional. They answered my questions and were very patient with me when it came time to answer them. I had always thought that I could not buy a house, but as Ms. Worrell and her associates answered each one of my questions, I realized that, if and when I decide to buy a house, it wouldn't be as hard as I thought it would be.
    Ms. Worrell went through the homebuying process step by step. Her associates were helpful also; explaining about credit ratings and mortgages. Each were helpful explaining the do's and don'ts of credit and mortgage. After answering my questions about the whole homebuying experience, I feel I have a better understanding and knowledge about the entire process.
    In my opinion, I believe everyone who is interested, thinking, or even curious about buying a house, should attend a Homebuyers Workshop to get their own answers and and information. I know that once you do attend, you will be glad you did and will come away more enlightened like I was. I am glad I attended the workshop. You will not be dissappointed.

  7. I'm more curious about the workshops now.

  8. Here is the contact information of the panel. I'm sure they would not mind if you contacted them directly.

    Pat Worrell, Coldwell Banker, Associate Broker, 610.566.1100
    Rick Oelkers, Credit Mindset, Credit Consultant, 215.256.4242
    Jim Kernan, PHH Preferred Mortgage, Mortgage Advisor, 267.312.7229

  9. It's true, good information is definitely hard to come by these days. When I was looking at houses for sale in virginia my agent was essential to the whole experience. I can't imagine how people navigate the process without one.
