Thursday, July 29, 2010

Widener Granted $50k to Assist Adults Returning to School

Chester, Pa. (July 29, 2010) – Widener University will receive $50,000 from the Bernard Osher Foundation to distribute during the 2010-11 academic year as scholarships for adult students returning to school. The grant is intended to assist adult students who have interrupted their previous educational studies for reasons beyond their control.

The university will award the Osher Reentry Scholarships, in amounts up to $5,000, to at least 12 students who are returning to college to pursue their first baccalaureate degree following a cumulative gap in their education of five or more years.

In addition, students selected as Osher Reentry Scholars must anticipate participation in the workforce for a significant period of time subsequent to graduation. They also must demonstrate a financial need and show academic promise and a commitment to obtaining their degree. Scholars may be either full- or part-time students.

The grant covers tuition for a student's first semester back to school at Widener's University College, with the potential for renewal the following semester. University College is the adult undergraduate college at Widener University, which offers students flexible scheduling with evening, weekend and online courses in their pursuit of associate and bachelor’s degrees. This is the fourth year that the foundation has funded Osher Reentry Scholarships at University College. The university awarded 12 students with Osher Reentry Scholarships for the 2009-10 academic year.

To apply, or for questions regarding Osher Reentry Scholarships, please contact Nikki Ritterbeck at 610-499-4282.


  1. Thanks for the effort Stefan. I know you took a hit on the last blog you did on Widener. Although this won't help me being a graduate student, this is good information.

  2. Having a discussion isn't taking a hit. When Widener sends a press release I think is relevant, I'll post it. However, i still find it interesting that many Chester folks don't value having a thriving university in town. If Widener were to leave that part of town would look like 3rd street. We don't need that.

  3. Widener's press release was only to make themselves look good. Maybe you didn't take a hit but Widener felt it did. I am happy for the 12 students who get yearly grants from them.

    As far as "Chester folks" not valuing a thriving university in town, I think it's as simple as a PR problem, bridging the gap between the town folks and the people over that wall that separates themselves from us. I don't think they are going to come out of their comfort zone to shake your hands. Of course, they will only let certain people, like you, in.

    I can't wait to see what kind of press release you get next.

  4. I never realized there are so many Widener haters. Chester folks who dare use their campus enjoy the library, student center, alumni auditorium, the theater, the Nelson classic in their gym, the youth soccer folks use the field, and Master Blaster is on their radio station every weekday. We need more bad neighbors like Widener.

  5. I am not a Widener hater. I just recognize that some people, like you, are more privileged than others. I don't think that Widener is a bad neighbor but I definitely think that Widener believes Chester is a bad neighborhood. You made my point. You have to go to them. They don't come out to you.

  6. I've been called a lot of names but privileged isn't one of them. LOL!

    Let's be real. Name me 5 things that Widener should want from Chester. Dont they do enough by just cutting the grass. You cant say the same for all the properties owned by the city, county and school district.

    Widener's only responsibility is to their students and staff. They are a private institution not a public entity. They are not here to save Chester. If Chester doesnt start getting its act togther Widener will put some gates on those walls and keep all their precious resources to themselves. The only people allowed in will need badges with the big 'W' on it.

    If your point is that Widener doesn't reach out in the Chester community please offer some examples of what you'd like to see them do. Dr. Harris seems like a reasonable president. He may consider your suggestions.

    As I've said before, in my opinion, Widener ain't the problem, Chester is.

  7. Well, clearly Widener has a strong advocate in you. And giving free press releases to them are a bonus.
    Apparently you are leading with your heart and I see more historically.

  8. Lawd. Media outlets obtain the majority of their content from press releases. There is no cost associated with them. If you submit a press release to me that is relevant to Chester or my readers, I'll post it here too.

  9. As a long time employee of Widener and a former long time resident of Chester I have seen this administration change from one of a "citadel" type mentality (bar the borders and don't let residents in) to a much more open style of civic engagement with students, faculty and staff.

    Unfortunately there is only so much a university can do. Pres. harris has offered over the years a number of community based initiatives including having an external representative to mediate relationships between students living off campus and city residents. Do you know how many residents actually attended these meetings>? On average - 3!

    Additionally, Widener has a gem called the Child Development Center. This is a day care center that offers small individually focused learning for students with the best that Widener has to offer. Oh, and by the way 95% of our students attending there are residents of the City and on scholarship! Dr. Yoder applies for grants every year to make the tuition affordable for these students.

    And how about the Widener Partnership Charter School? The only bad thing about that school is that the kids are dumped back into the CUSD after 5th grade because WU wasn't allowed to go any further with expansion.

    Let's see, there's a little something called University Crossings too isn't there? what's that? oh it's a parcel of land that Widener is renting to the City of Chester FOR $1 A YEAR FOR THE NEXT 60 YEARS!!!!!!!!!

    So give me a break that Widener doesn't do anything for the community. The community expects everything to be handed to it with no expectations of anything in return.

  10. I just happened to come across this blog and was surprised at the above negative comment directed at Mr Roots and Widener U. I must admit that ignorance can be intimidating. I too at one time felt that Widener did not give enough back to the City of Chester. How wrong I was! I always had the desire to attend the well landscaped, manicured and pristeen campus but was afraid (intimidated) that I would'nt be a good fit. I grew up watching the campus go from The PMC (Pennsylvania Military College), with little to no black cadets(that I knew of), to the beautiful multi-cultural university that exist there today. I must admit that I still have not had the opportunity to attend, and I'm sure I never will, now that I'm in my 50's. BUT---I have gotten the opportunity to see first-hand what the school has to offer. My youngest child is about to begin her sophmore year 2010-2011 there. She too was intimidated with the thought of going. But they assisted with everything that was needed to help her to become successful. The University comes to the High School and invites the students and parents there to visit. They have many Grants and Scholarships to offer the children of the Chester Upland School District. They have Community based programs that give back to the younger student in the system and others. I love the campus because going inside it can almost make one forget, what lies outside of those walls. The serenity is needed in order to tackle the task at hand, and that is the Higher Education of anyone who chooses to take advantage of it. It makes me proud to drive past the campus and know that I live in a City that has a University with the caliber that Widener carries. The aesthetics of the campus give us a small view of what the rest of the city could be like if only???????? So don't go bad-talking the good that is still left in the City of Chester, we need more of it. It's just a better smaller city, inside of a not so great one right now. Those of us who love Chester and have known of better days in it. Well, we still have hope for it and hope that with the right Political Heads, interested Business and some money backing us up, that we'll become a desirable picture sitting on the map once again. Nothing is perfect but when something is good, we should recognize it. Just how many Universities and Colleges do you know of that actually go out to the public like Politicians? So go visit, ask questions and you will probably be pleasantly surprised. HAVE A GREAT DAY!

  11. Wow! I am sold. This place sounds like heaven. Maybe Widener should buy all of Chester out, instead of just half of it, and change the name to Widener. It sounds like Widener has done so much already. Maybe they will do a better job at eradicating crime.

    So I take the negative comments back about Widener. Sorry, I can't for Roots though. "That's not happening."

  12. Wow, now that is a thought worth considering. Maybe I will include Dr. Harris as a potential mayor of Chester. We could use a smart businessman that manages large budgets, large staffs, and who understands the importance of education and urban development. He is all that Chester needs wrapped up in one!

  13. Glad to help! Widener does turn out smart people. I should know. Is he a Republican? He may have to change party if he is not. Why is Chester still republican again?

    Hope you will post this one!
