Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sometimes, Good Parents Produce Bad Kids

How often have we pointed to the parents when a child goes wild? How fair is it to assume that a child was murdered because the parent was bad?

Dr. Richard A. Friedman, professor of psychiatry at Cornell Medical College, writes on this very topic in the New York Times and discusses it on NPR

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree, that children will be wh they will be no matter how they are raised....I know of several people including myself who were not given all the care and concern of our parents and turned out to be upstanding law abiding citizens...and the reverse is also true, for people who were raised with every advantage and oppurtunity, and they are some of the biggest criminals I know. So we can't always place blame squarely on the parents because like adults teens, tweens, and children have minds of their own and will even with all the guidance given to them will make the wrong decisions.
