Saturday, July 3, 2010

Soccer Stadium Hires 1 Person from William Penn Job Fair

On June 24th, State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland staged a job fair at the William Penn Homes. 
PLL Park (the soccer stadium) used City of Chester Workforce Development director Robert Wrease to represent them as he ran out of applications by noon with so many interested prospects.
Just 20 minutes ago, I was shopping at Sam and Sam, waiting in the cold cut line like we do, and I overheard a lady say that her girlfriend’s grandchild got a job at the soccer stadium as a result of the job fair. 
She went on to say that she was the only person from Chester to travel to Philadelphia to take the test for the job. 
Of course, my nosy self had to butt in and ask a few questions. The lady went on to say that the soccer folks were disappointed in the Chester turnout and had expected to conduct their orientation in Chester for the applicants. Unfortunately, the young lady had to travel back to Philadelphia for orientation.
‘You can bring a horse a water but you can’t make him drink.’ 
How frustrating is this story? It goes to show that we need to start thinking in terms of putting a process together to get our young people employed. Logically, you’d think a job fair would be enough but that fair proved how so many people are unprepared to properly seek employment although they may be excellent job candidates. 
There has got to be some way to add to the school district curriculum mandatory classes held by people like Robert Wrease of Chester’s Workforce Development and the folks at Pennsylvania CareerLink to teach job preparedness.
How can we help our young people get the jobs that employers want them to have?


  1. OK...enough about making the schools responsible for that which is a parent's job. Oh, where are the parents? Or parent???
    What in the world more does an organization have to do besides a job fair?
    I know...cut off the welfare,the food stamps, those who cry discrimination, and those poor needy kids who want to start a job as company president and not as a worker.

    Also, to make people who live in subsidized housing and or low income housing, how about making them a little more responsible by paying even a minimal amount of money monthly in their rents that contribute to the real estate tax income in our city? Fifteen, twenty dollars. At least then the parent in that house would pay something to assist in having that tax money wind up in the school system...the same school system that has all those children from the low-income and or subsidized housing neighborhoods.

  2. You really should do a little more research before you print some of your information. Obviously what you heard at Sam and Sam's didn't include information about Central Parking System also hiring for PPL Park positions at the job fair sponsored by Rep. Kirkland that was held in the William Penn Homes on June 24th and job fairs are set up to provide employment for people who qualify. Obviously unqualified people cannot expect to be given jobs that they can't perfom.

  3. Why is it okay for good schools to offer job preparedness and not okay for bad schools to offer job preparedness? What I suggest is not making the schools responsible but making the organizations that offer job preparedness responsible for going into Chester schools and teaching our kids what they need to know to get a job. If a parent is under-or unemployed, they may not be the best person to teach a kid how to get a job.
    If everyone in subsidized housing could find work, they'd be paying income taxes far more than $20. If they made more than minimum wage they could likely move out.

  4. If you represent Central Parking and can share with our readers that you hired from the job fair, please do. That information is valuable and would encourage more qualified people to come to future job fairs. Thanks in advance.

    Obviously what I heard at Sam and Sam didn't include information about Central Parking. If it did, I would have mentioned it.

    I did not try to imply that only one person was hired from the job fair at the William Penn. However, this is the only person that I know of that got hired and I heard about it while buying Italian turkey and macaroni salad.

    Keep in mind that this is a blog, not a newspaper. If you want researched writings seek reporters with bylines in newspapers and magazines. Research takes time and money. I'm doing this blog for free.

  5. I'm glad that someone was hired from the city wherever they live, from what I have been hearing from others in the city who have applied for employement at PPL has been that they are not being hired from the this is the first I'm hearing about having to go into Philly to take an employement maybe that is why so many are not being hired from the city, now if the information is being given to possible employees and they do nothing with it, then they only have themselves to blame, if not then there is a break down in communication somewhere. But as for the person whi THINKS that everyone in Chester is on Welfare or living in Public housing and receiving Food stamps....Please take your ignorance else where, it's clear that the story is being reported to inform, there are many many more people working and earning a paycheck every single day! Keep reporting Stefan we need more positive news about my beloved city, you and the Chester Spirit keep it up.
