Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The New Chester-Upland School Board deserves a chance to succeed

A new elected board made of all Republicans took over July 1. Previously, the nine members had little power or responsibility beyond approving tax matters and hearing disciplinary cases.
Some community leaders are afraid the district will again become ripe for patronage and waste. They remember the old days when lucrative contracts were doled out to cronies aligned with the board in charge back then.
  Their concerns are not without merit. The new board must be held accountable, but it also deserves a chance to prove itself and earn the public’s trust. If it falls short, voters can express their disappointment in the next election.
Click HERE to read more


  1. Next election will be to late for the students in this district, and it is bad enough already. We can't afford for our chldren to suffer because some board members are going to or try to pull the same underhanded bull of past days.

  2. Why do you put in the 1st sentence ALL REPUBLICAN. Its seems to me you are trying to intice the readers, does it matter what they are? Only thing that matters is the job they do for our youth. The last election the DEMS did not run anyone for school board positions, but everyone wants to complain about going back to the old ways. This city is full of CRABS IN THE BARREL.

  3. To comment on the ALL REPUBLICAN statement, hit the link in the post and send your question to the Philadelphia Inquirer who created this editorial. Thanks.

  4. They had a chance! Why give the same folks a chance to continue destroying our family values with these political positions they know nothing about kids being sucessful.
