Tuesday, June 15, 2010

C.P. Time keeps Philly Student from Graduation

"Despite my lateness throughout this year, I feel as though I have earned this right, through my dedication of service and through the many sacrifices I have made . . . over the years for this school." 

3 Strikes and I blog. 

Strike 1 - I'm in downtown Chester saying hello to some business owner friends and I enter right in the middle of a discussion about barbers losing business because they don't show up to work  on time. Since the boss doesn't say anything the practice continues.

Strike 2 - I leave there and go to the diner for breakfast and a patron asks for a particular waitress. I overhear that she is always late but the owners continue to pay her.

Strike 3 - I open the Daily News and the first story I see is this otherwise wonderful highschool student who is late to school 40 times.

We are our own worst enemy with this C.P. Time dilemma. 

Click HERE to read her story and vote on the Reader Feedback section. 

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