Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Subscribe to The Chester City Blog newsletter?

Could there be a more perfect topic for the 100th BLOG THIS MONTH?

On the top left section of this website, you will see 'FREE Chester City Blog Newsletter'. By just adding your email address, you will receive a one page email in your inbox each morning only when there are new posts to the blog the day before. If there are no new posts you will not receive an email.

Most people only visit The Chester City Blog occasionally and with so much information listed over the course of a month, an occasional visitor couldn't be expected to always have the time to catch up on the old stories.

Now, as a subscriber, the email will list the headlines for you to decide if there is a story you'd be interested in reading right away.

The registration is FREE and you can unsubscribe with the click of a button.

The other benefit to subscribing are the special offers that will soon be rolled out. I've been in contact with many of the old Chester Spotlight advertisers and other businesses in and around Chester and they look forward to offering subscribers free offers and discounts.

Once I get to a magic number of subscribers the offers will start going out. For you early subscribers, just hang in there for a little while longer while just a few others join the party.

Thanks for reading and commenting on The Chester City Blog. Share it with a friend.


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