Thursday, May 27, 2010

Black on Black Murder in Jamaica

As of this morning, at least 44 people have been killed in a poor community on the outskirts of Jamaica's capital of Kingston.

Details are sketchy since press has been prevented from going in until today but the story goes something like this...
  • About 9 months ago the United States apparently received a lot of evidence from a drug bust in Toronto that Christopher Coke should be extradited to the US on drug and gun charges.
  • Jamaica's Prime Minister has refused to give Mr. Coke over to the US until just a few days ago.
  • Mr. Coke is very loyal to the Prime Minister and uses his money and influence over the poor people of Kingston to ensure that the Labor Party maintains its nearly 100 year control of the area.
  • When the Prime Minister made it public that Mr. Coke had to turn himself over to the US and sent the police and military into the 'hood to go get him, the folks on the street rebelled and fought them off to protect Mr. Coke.
  • Rumors are flying as to where Mr. Coke may be. He may have turned himself into the US. He may be in Venezuela. He may be still hiding out in Kingston. Most folks believe that he was tipped off and got out of dodge before the cops came in. His father died in a jail house fire and it's safe to assume he doesn't want to end up in a Jamaican jail if caught.
  • Although the tourist locations are hours away from Kingston, Jamaica's image around the world is not looking too good right now. However, there seems to be a large group of people who are hopeful that this incident may signal the end of government and criminal collusion.
If this is a situation that concerns you, you probably won't learn how it unfolds from Dray Clark, Action News or the Daily Times. I'll keep you posted and I encourage you to do the same for me.


  1. C-City Blogger

    Thanks for your concern (I think?) about the people of Jamaica and the tourist. However, I am sure that people in the area who are from Jamaica have kept abreast of the situation from other sources than from you or Clark. We would much rather continue to hear about Chester News. This is what I tune in for to hear from you.

  2. I'll be bringing you local, regional, national, international and interplanetary blogs (NASA news). Just pick and choose which stories you like to read and ignore the rest just as if it were a newspaper. I dont expect that Jamaicans are reading this blog but some Chester readers may be more informed since this story isnt front page news around here. There is a Chester story I didn't bother sharing about the kid who stabbed the lady in the arms for hitting him with the rope. That's the type of story people pay the Daily Times for. I'll link to it if it shows up.
